Russian officials ignored multiple FBI requests for more information about Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the years leading up to the Boston Marathon bombing, according to the findings of a new internal investigative report.

According to the report, which has not yet been made public but is cited by the New York Times, Russia initially warned the US about Tsarnaev in 2011, but declined to respond to subsequent FBI requests for additional information,

The new inspector general's report found that it was only after the bombing occurred last April that the Russians shared with the F.B.I. the additional intelligence, including information from a telephone conversation the Russian authorities had intercepted between Mr. Tsarnaev and his mother in which they discussed Islamic jihad.

According to the report, at the time American authorities believed Tsarnaev was a bigger threat to Russia than the US.

According to the Times, the report does acknowledge that FBI agents investigating the initial tip on Tsarnaev "could have conducted a few more interviews when they first examined the information."

US Rep. William R. Keating (D-MA) told the Boston Globe that the Russian tip did contain one critical clue that American investigators overlooked—a prediction that Tsarnaev's burgeoning radicalization would include a name change.

According to the Globe, Tsarnaev tried to formally change his name to Emir Muaz on a US citizenship application in 2012.

[image via AP]