Christopher Harper-Mercer, the gunman who shot nine people to death at an Oregon community college Thursday morning before killing himself, left behind a collection of predictably delusional notes in which he complained about not having a girlfriend, according to a law enforcement official who spoke with the Associated Press.

The notes also reportedly included rants about how rational Harper-Mercer considered himself, despite all evidence to the contrary. From the Associated Press:

Harper-Mercer complained in the manifesto about not having a girlfriend, and he seemed to feel like he was very rational while others around him were not, the official said.

He wrote something to the effect of: “Other people think I’m crazy, but I’m not. I’m the sane one,” the official said. The manifesto was a couple of pages long.

The 26-year-old reportedly left behind several pages in notes for police, though it’s unclear where there notes were found. According to one report, the mother of one survivor said Harper-Mercer gave her son a package to pass on to police.

“The shooter asked him to give the police something, and that if he did he would live,” the mother, Summer Smith, told CNN.

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