The University of Notre Dame has fired a female academic coach, the New York Daily News reports, after a student filed a lawsuit against the school on Friday claiming that the tutor had coerced several university football and basketball players into having “racially-motivated” sex with her daughter.

An African American student enrolled at Notre Dame on an academic scholarship in the fall of 2014. He sought tutoring lessons in the spring. The (white) tutor immediately “initiated, directed and coordinated a sexually and racially motivated inappropriate and demeaning relationship,” between the student and her daughter.

The tutor would orchestrate “sexually and racially motivated” trysts at hotel rooms between the student and her daughter, the Daily News reports, and afterwards ask him about the “nature, frequency, and quality of the sexual activities.” Also, the lawsuit claims, the tutor would make “racially-charged comments about his sexual prowess and genitalia.”

From the South Bend Tribune:

The stress of the “hostile sexual environment and degradation” was furthered exacerbated by the woman pressuring the student to convert to Catholicism, according to the suit.

The student claims he brought the situation to the attention of Notre Dame officials two weeks ago, but the university has “failed to act to remedy the situation,” the suit says.

“We were kind of given no choice,” one of the student’s lawyers, Michael Misch, told the Daily News. “When the door was slammed in our face we had to pursue our client’s rights through the courts.”

Notre Dame issued a statement to the Tribune on Saturday. “The allegations against the University of Notre Dame in the complaint are unfounded,” university spokesman Paul Browne said. “As are gratuitous and unfounded references to ‘student athletes’—an allegation that is nothing more than a cynical attempt to attract publicity.”

But on Sunday, the Daily News acquired a six-page, internal school report that found the academic coach, who has been fired, had violated the university’s “values” and its “discrimination harassment policy.”

The suit also alleges that when the student attempted to break off his relationship with the tutor’s daughter, her mother recommended that he seek mental health counseling, and worked with the university’s psychiatric support to “medicate Plaintiff John Doe to keep him passive, cooperative, and under control.”

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