Is Lindsay Lohan really drinking again? Did she actually have a miscarriage? It's all apparently up in the air in the wake of the harrowing finale of her reality show.

An interview with Lohan, timed to coincide with the end of Lindsay, has the actress downing vodka tonics and admitting she's seeing a married father with a private jet and commitment issues. But Lindsay's people are claiming that Kode magazine (who?) made the whole thing up.

"Lindsay never spoke to any journalist at Kode. The interview was completed via email. We have no comprehension on why a journalist would fabricate this content and distribute it in such an irresponsible way," a rep for La Lohan said.

Kode is sticking by its story Lohan drank in front of its writer.

"Yes, the interview took place and everything stated in the article is fact and came directly from Lohan herself. And we have photos chronicling the writer and Lindsay's numerous times together," an executive editor for the magazine told E!.

Meanwhile, RadarOnline has two separate sources claiming the actress lied about having a miscarriage—the series-finale bombshell of Lindsay—to cover up for the times she was late and unreliable during the filming of the show.

"Lindsay was never pregnant during filming the reality show for OWN, or in the months after. Lindsay knew she was being perceived as a total slacker, not showing up on time for photo shoots, call times and refusing to shoot. So this is what Lindsay does," said one.

The other source pointed to Lindsay's alleged smoking and drinking during the show as signs that she wasn't really pregnant.

Still, there's not any more reason to believe anonymous "sources" than there is to believe Lindsay herself, in a show that was more brutally honest than she may have even intended.

There are really no winners here.

[H/T Guyism, Photo: Kode Magazine]