George Zimmerman, the Florida man who shot and killed Trayvon Martin two years ago, was reportedly involved in a shooting in Lake Mary, Fla., Monday afternoon. Zimmerman suffered a minor gunshot wound in the incident, according to WESH.

The shooting reportedly involved two men and two vehicles. From

Video from Local 6 helicopter Sky 6 showed a pickup truck, believed to be Zimmerman’s, being towed. There’s a possible bullethole in the passenger-side window of the pickup. A sport utility vehicle is also at the scene.

“[Zimmerman] walked normally into the ambulance, so he wasn’t being helped or nothing,” a witness, Ricardo Berrare, told WESH.

Since being acquitted of Martin’s murder, Zimmerman has had a number of run-ins with the law, including three arrests for domestic violence

UPDATE 4:11 pm:

From WKMG:

Zimmerman’s attorney, Don West, said a bullet missed Zimmerman’s head, but his client was sprayed with glass from his vehicle’s windshield and other debris.

West said Zimmerman was not seriously injured and was treated and released from a hospital.

Witnesses told Local 6 that the driver of an Infiniti opened fire on Zimmerman and later turned into a retail center on Waymont Court to get help.

UPDATE 2:42 pm: TMZ is reporting that Zimmerman was shot at during a road rage incident. From TMZ:

Zimmerman’s lawyer, Don West, tells TMZ Zimmerman told him he believes he recognized the other driver as someone with whom he had a run in several months ago.

The lawyer says Zimmerman told him the other driver drove along side his client and fired into the driver’s side window.

The lawyer says Zimmerman was not struck by a bullet, but rather shattering glass.

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