The two main suspects in Wednesday's Charlie Hebdo killings, Said and Chérif Kouachi, were reportedly spotted Thursday robbing a gas station about 50 miles northeast of Paris.

The gas station's manager told the BBC that the men who robbed his store were "were heavily armed with Kalashnikovs and rocket-propelled grenade launchers" and apparently matched descriptions of the brothers.

Another witness tells Le Point, "They stole gasoline and food before taking flight in the direction of Seine et Marne [a neighboring county."

Bernard Cazeneuve, France's interior minister, confirmed to the New York Times that police arrested seven people overnight in connection to the shooting, "but he offered no details on their ties, if any, to the Kouachi brothers."

The youngest of the three suspects wanted for yesterday's killings, 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad, surrendered to police early Thursday.

The Guardian reports that Chérif Kouachi served 18 months in prison in 2008 after being convicted of terrorism charges "for helping funnel fighters to Iraq's insurgency." His brother has reportedly been living in Riems for more than a year.