Andre "Christ Bearer" Johnson, the formerly Wu-Tang-affiliated rapper now best known for severing his own penis and then jumping off a balcony, has finally spoken out about what drove his bizarre behavior last month.

Johnson told TMZ he was extremely depressed and alone that night, with restraining orders preventing him from seeing his two daughters and a third child on the way. He started smoking weed and reading books about monks and vasectomies, and somehow became inspired to try the DIY at-home version for himself.

Obviously, it didn't go according to plan. There is some good news, though: Despite earlier reports that surgeons would be unable to reattach Johnson's penis, plastic surgeons were able to restore it with "full functionality."

Except for that whole "being able to have more kids" thing. So, although the means were completely insane, he achieved the end he was looking for.

As for his relationship with the Wu-Tang Clan, who distanced themselves from him after the incident, Johnson claims he's still part of the Wu family. He actually went even further, telling TMZ, "I am the fucking Wu Tang."

He's not, but who wants to argue with a guy who's willing to take a knife to his own dick?

[H/T BET, Photo: Facebook]