On Sunday, Spokane NAACP President Rachel Dolezal announced she was postponing a Monday meeting expected to include her first public statement regarding accusations she lied about her race.

“Due to the need to continue discussion with regional and national NAACP leaders, tomorrow’s meeting is postponed and will be rescheduled for a later date,” said Dolezal in a message to Spokane NAACP members. “We appreciate your patience and understanding at this time.”

Dolezal previously told members that she and the chapter’s executive committee would release statements addressing the controversy at the meeting.

Shortly after Dolezal’s announcement on Sunday, board member Lawrence Burnley wrote a response challenging her authority to delay the meeting:

I’m puzzled by your decision to arbitrarily cancel/postpone the meeting without input from the executive committee which is scheduled to meet today. The Association’s by-laws provides specific guidelines concerning monthly general/branch meetings. Article V, Section 1 states, “Regular meetings shall be held on a fix day or date each month.” That date, as agreed upon by the executive committee, is the third Monday of each month which is tomorrow. I don’t see any language in the by-laws that empowers you, or any one member, to arbitrarily cancel/postpone tomorrow’s meeting.

Burnley also objected to Dolezal attributing the announcement to “Spokane NAACP Chapter,” writing, “This is misleading as it conveys a decision has been made by ‘the chapter’ or the executive committee of the chapter which not the case.”

According to The Spokesman-Review, chapter members currently plan to hold the meeting as scheduled.

[Image via AP Images]