Tonight, NBC announced that former Spokane NAACP President Rachel Dolezal would appear on the network Tuesday for a live interview with Today Show host Matt Lauer.

The interview is expected to include Dolezal’s first major comments regarding accusations that she lied about her race. Dolezal had originally planned to release a public statement at an NAACP chapter meeting on Monday before attempting to cancel the meeting on Sunday and resigning from her position earlier today.

After her resignation, Dolezal’s parents released their own statement accusing their daughter of dishonesty and unethical behavior:

Our daughter Rachel’s letter of resignation from the NAACP today, states her ongoing commitment to the causes of racial and social justice, however, she neglects to face the deceptions that she documented about her ethnicity, or to offer an apology for her dishonest representation of her heritage.

It is our hope and prayer that Rachel will take the steps necessary to acknowledge her dishonesty and to offer an apology to the NAACP and other organizations with which she held positions of prominence. By taking that initial step of facing the ethics issues involved in her false representations, we trust that Rachel will begin to move toward a healthy ability to embrace and celebrate her true personal identity and therefore no longer feel compelled to be false or hostile toward her biological family.

According to NBC, Dolezal’s Today Show appearance will be followed by interviews with Savannah Guthrie of NBC Nightly News and MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry.

[Image via AP Images]