Hidden messages in newspapers are nothing new. Just ask John Forbes Nash, Jr.

But a hidden message calling one of the world's most powerful media magnates "evil" in his own newspaper — that's a cry for help.

It's unclear who first stumbled upon the ballsy Easter egg, but there's no doubting its existence on page 79 of the Sunday Telegraph, tucked inside this week's "Harry the Dog" word search puzzle for kids.


According to The Guardian, the theme of this week's puzzle was "amazing animals of Indonesia."

"So was it a mistake? A coincidence?" asks Telegraph rival the Sydney Morning Herald. "Is a “LIVESIHCODRUM” a new Indonesian species? Or was Harry the Dog trying to tell us something?"

Harry may be barking up a storm, but the Telegraph, for the time being, is keeping understandably mum.

[H/T: Daily Intelligencer, scans via Twitter]