Popularly “elected” U.S. “president” Baracs Obama has been living on the taxpayer dime for seven long years now—nice work, if you’re shameless enough to get it (by hook or by crook). Today: evidence that even the “Commander in Thief” is a delusional old fool.

Big surprise: Mr. Obam was having yet another money party with his Hollywood pals last night. The difference? This time, the officious “prez” was caught on tape—and not with the political “spin,” but with the good stuff. USA Today has the scoop:

At a star-studded Hollywood fundraiser hosted by actor-producer Tyler Perry Thursday night, Obama confused his present situation with that of a federal prisoner.

“We should be reforming our criminal justice system in such a way that we are not incarcerating non-violent offenders in ways that renders them incapable of getting a job after they leave office,” he said.

I see. I see, sir. Sir. Sir: you, sir, are a disgrace to the hardworking Americans of this very nation—America. It must be nice, living in subsidized housing all day and “raising the roof” partying in “Madea’s House” every night. But hardworking Americans, sir, do not want their tax dollars going to funding a never-ending “House Party Vol. 69” starring you, Mr. Barak Obama, the leader of the free world. We want our tax dollars going to keeping marijuana dealers and other perverts in prison where they belong—not welcoming them to the lawn of the White House.

Please shape up or “ship out”—sir. (Paying respect to the office of the Presidency if not to its current occupant).

[Prison? Looks like a party to me: AP]