At a press conference about America's ongoing military efforts in Iraq, President Obama wrapped up by making some brief, tepid comments about the militarization of the police happening right in Ferguson, Missouri. "I know that many Americans have been deeply disturbed by images we've seen from the heartland of our country," he began.

Obama, who's currently on vacation in Martha's Vineyard, says he's been in talks with Attorney General Eric Holder as well as Missouri Governor Jay Nixon—"a good man and a fine governor"—about investigating the death of Michael Brown. The FBI and the Department of Justice will investigate. "He was 18 years old, and his family will never hold Michael in their arms again," Obama said.

As far as the violence happening on the streets of Ferguson right now, Obama refused to pick sides. "There's no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protests," he offered. Police should "not be bullying or arresting journalists just trying to do their jobs." But also, "There is never an excuse for violence against police" or "looting" in the wake of tragedy.

He finished his statement with a vague call for peace: "Now's the time for healing. Now's the time for peace and calm on the streets of Ferguson." He did not take questions.

[Image via AP]