Threesomes are a tricky business, especially when you involve things like raw meat and feelings. According to The Bay City Times, one Michigan man could now be headed to jail after a hamburger meat taste test between three sex friends in a bathtub went awry last weekend.

According to court records, married couple Martin and Daniela Miller invited a homeless man, Michael Chaney, into their home last week to have sex with them. Martin then got his feelings hurt after Daniela and Chaney had some one-on-one time. Perhaps to make up for this indiscretion, Chaney decided to make hamburgers for the Millers.

Things got less sexy after that. The Bay City Times reports:

Chaney brought a spoonful of meat into the bathroom to have them taste-test it, but Martin Miller threw the meat into the tub in which his wife bathed, both Chaney and Daniela Miller told police.

Chaney brought a second spoonful of meat, and Martin Miller again tossed it into the tub water, the witnesses told police. Chaney told Miller to stop wasting food and walked into another room. Martin Miller followed him and threatened to beat him up, Chaney said.

Chaney told Miller to go ahead, at which point Miller kicked him in the chest, pushed his wife out of the way and choked Chaney, both Chaney and Daniela Miller told police. Chaney said Miller told him he was going to kill him, then he blacked out. When he awoke, he and Daniela Miller walked to the hospital, they said.

Police questioned Martin Miller about the incident, and he told them, "I am a marine. When someone challenges me I go into kill mode." He now faces up to 10 years in jail if convicted of assault by strangulation. In his defense, he says he was just joking about the hamburger meat and Chaney was being an "asshole."

[Photo via Shutterstock]