Image: Belgian authorities

Belgian police have released the following security camera capture of three suspects in today’s bombing at Zaventem airport in Brussels. The explosions at the airport and a subsequent attack on one of the city’s metro stations left at least 30 dead, with hundreds more injured.

Per Belgian broadcast network VTM, via The Guardian, the two men in black at the left of the image frame are suicide bombers who detonated their belts in the Zaventem terminal. The man in khaki on the right is suspected of having fled the scene and is currently being sought by police.

Along with the approximately 30 dead in today’s attack, officials say at least another 230 people were injured. In a statement posted to the website of its media apparatus Amaq, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack:

Islamic State fighters carried out a series of bombings with explosive belts and devices on Tuesday, targeting an airport and a central metro station in the center of the Belgian capital Brussels, a country participating in the international coalition against the Islamic State.

Islamic State fighters opened fire inside Zaventem Airport, before several of them detonated their explosive belts, as a martyrdom bomber detonated his explosive belt in the Maalbeek metro station. The attacks resulted in more than 230 dead and wounded.