Mark Sanford, the one-time South Carolina governor who chose the undeniably better life of living with his Argentinian lover-turned-girlfriend before heading to Washington as a member of the House, announced in a lengthy Facebook post that he and that girlfriend have called off their impending wedding. (Don't worry, they'll still fuck.)

In the post—which, it should be noted, is mostly quasi-insane ramblings about Jesus—Sanford says that he and his fiancée María Belén Chapur have decided to postpone their marriage indefinitely after Sanford's ex-wife Jenny filed another lawsuit stemming from their divorce in 2010.

No relationship can stand forever this tension of being forced to pick between the one you love and your own son or daughter, and for this reason Belen and I have decided to call off the engagement. Maybe there will be another chapter when waters calm with Jenny, but at this point the environment is not conducive to building anything given no one would want to be caught in the middle of what's now happening. Belen is a remarkably wonderful woman who I have always loved and I will be forever grateful for not only the many years we have known and loved each other, but the last six very tough ones wherein she has encouraged me and silently borne its tribulations with her ever warm and kind spirit.

The "tension" Sanford refers to in that paragraph is outlined in thousands of words in the post, but here is a helpful summary from the Washington Post:

Things have grown especially tense in recent weeks after Jenny Sanford demanded that the congressman undergo a psychiatric evaluation and complete anger management and parenting classes as part of divorce proceedings. She also sought to put limitations on her ex-husband's visitation rights with their youngest son, who is 16.

More specifically, Jenny Sanford is seeking to essentially ban their children from spending the night with Mark Sanford in the presence of his girlfriend. Sanford, presumably quoting from the new lawsuit, says his wife is looking to prevent him from "exposing the minor child overnight to a member of the opposite sex not related by blood who could be reasonably construed as a paramour." Sanford says that his kids have never spent the night with him and Belen, but is nonetheless acquiescing anyway.

In any event, Sanford is leaving his fate in the hands of a higher power:

She wanted full control of their custodial accounts which were very significant in size, I gave it. I did these things for two reasons. One, because my good friend Cubby Culbertson had reminded me that it was all God's - and if he wanted you to have more, you would…and if he wanted you to have less, you would have less. He accordingly strongly advised against spending money and time and controversy fighting over things that God ultimately controlled.

Lawyers, alas, may actually be more powerful than God.

[image via AP]