An ongoing project called "Photo Requests from Solitary" enlists photographers to go out and take (or create) pictures that are requested by inmates serving time in solitary confinement.

This week, an exhibit of some of the photos opens in Brooklyn. Info on the exhibit can be found here. A list of the requests from prisoners—both filled and unfilled— can be found here. A few examples of requests:

I would like to see the downtown Chicago or the lake of Chicago it will bring me happiness to see a real nice picture of the downtown. Please! A good place to eat or too You know! Nice cars! I been lockup for 17 long year!

I would like to see any Egyptian Artifacts… I enjoy history, culture and advances in civilization that is a part of this Ancient Empires greatness.

Additional instructions: No I am grateful for these services.

This person (whose picture I have sent) = my mother standing in front of a mansion, or big castle with a bunch of money on the ground. Or if you can’t do that, than substitution is a big mansion or castle with a bunch of money in front of it and a black Hummer parked in front of it.

Peruse them all at Year Ten.

[Photo by Laurie Jo Reynolds and Chris X]