Officials have decided to evacuate volunteers from the ebola-stricken regions of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, after two Americans were stricken by the deadly virus. As reported by CNN, the two victims are improving slightly, but remain in serious condition.

Those most at risk are medical professionals and volunteers helping to contain this outbreak, due to their frequent contact with the infected.

"This epidemic is without precedent," Bart Janssens of Doctors Without Borders told CNN. "It's absolutely not under control, and the situation keeps worsening."

Janssens also told CNN that if conditions don't improve soon, "there is a real risk for new countries to be affected."

In light of these recent cases, U.S. authorities are considering restricting travel to the area to prevent further spread of the disease. The CDC issued an alert cautioning people against attending the funerals of victims in the affected countries.

According to the World Health Organization, this is the worst-ever Ebola epidemic in history and has caused 672 deaths.

[Image via AP]