Tim Remington spent Saturday praying for the direct influence of God and Jesus Christ to aid the Ted Cruz campaign. The next day, he was shot six times, including once in the skull.

The Washington Post reports the near-fatal shooting occurred after Remington’s Sunday services:

Early Monday morning, authorities identified a suspect in the unholy shooting: a 30-year-old local man and former Marine named Kyle Andrew Odom.

As authorities launched a manhunt for Odom, questions remained over a possible motive, particularly whether the shooting was in any way related to Remington’s appearance with Cruz roughly 24 hours earlier.

According to a family friend (via Facebook), Remington is still alive and will be “fine”:

Just talked to Cindy Remington at the hospital and, as it stands, as far as I understand it,Tim Remington will simply have more reason to boast in the Lord!!! Shot six times and not ONE vital hit. One of the bullets TRIED to enter the brain but stopped at the skull, one of the bullets busted his hip, one fractured his shoulder pretty bad, but he is and will continue to be ALIVE AND SERVING GOD! Just like we all KNEW he would!

Emergency room Tech’s and Dr.s are calling this a miracle, I’m saying, by today’s worldly standards it IS a miracle, but by Gods standards, it’s another chance to show and appreciate the powerful hand of God!

HIS NAME IS TIM REMINGTON AND HE LIVES, IN JESUS NAME! Nothing shall by any means harm him, and greater is He who is IN Him than he who is in the world and more are those who are with us than those against us!!!!

He’s fine! ( I know that’s quite the statement, but ... He’s going to be fine! )

It is by the grace of God, the hand of God , and YOUR PRAYER!

He is still in surgery at the time of this writing, much work needs to be done, so continue to pray!

Thank you

I can’t pretend to understand the ins and outs of Divine Providence but I would stay away from Ted Cruz.

Photo: Getty

Contact the author at biddle@gawker.com.
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