A young girl in Northern California who woke up early in the morning to discover blood in her underwear thought she had started her period, but it was later determined that she was actually bleeding from a gunshot wound she sustained during a drive-by shooting.

The parents of the 10-year-old girl phoned the family doctor around 2 a.m. last Thursday to report the bleeding and were told it was "consistent with menstruation."

However, when the girl awoke for school five hours later she was still in pain, and a search of her bed revealed bullet holes.

Upon performing a "full body inspection," the girl's parents were able to spot an entry wound in her pelvic region and phoned 911.

Doctors told investigators the wound was "rather small" and easy to miss, especially if there is reason to believe the victim could be starting her period.

Hayward police have yet to identify a motive for the shooting and say the family may have been targeted by accident.

[screengrab via CBS Bay Area]