Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/16 02:06PM

Uber plans to raise another $2 billion, which it will probably use for its favorite cause: subsidizing its own prices in order to drive competitors out of the market. When all of the Uber competitors are finally gone, everyone is in for a big surprise!

Here Is the Good News

Nick Denton · 06/15/16 12:37PM

Perhaps the most embarrassing aspect of filing for bankruptcy is the well-meaning condolence note from a friend. “I’m so sorry,” more than one has written. That sympathy is often followed by fear for what Facebook director Peter Thiel’s revenge campaign—a billionaire secretly funding lawsuits against publishers, editors, and writers for stories that disrespected him and his friends—means for the functioning of a critical press.

Uline, Where the Boss Wishes Employees Watched More Fox News

Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/16 12:15PM

People who work for privately owned companies—even very big ones—are often subject to their bosses’ political whims. For employees of a major Midwestern industrial company, that means regularly being preached to by owners known as the Illinois version of the Koch brothers.

The Oregonian Recognizes Good Work By Giving Staffers Diarrhea

Jordan Sargent · 06/15/16 11:31AM

We in the journalism field suffer the daily indignities of a dying industry, so sometimes our bosses try and cheer us up, usually with room temperature pizza sitting in clotted pools of grease. Bad pizza is better than some alternatives, though, such as the cake recently served to some staffers of The Oregonian which caused their bodies to spew shit like a punctured oil pipe.

Anderson Cooper Reads Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi For Filth 

Jordan Sargent · 06/14/16 04:20PM

This afternoon on CNN, Anderson Cooper interviewed Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. You know how these things generally go. The host asks the guest a few questions, the guest regurgitates some talking points, the host tries to pin the guest on a point, the guest evades, everyone laughs, and we go to a commercial. But today would be different!

Smash Mouth's Desperate, Endless Twitter Battle

Ashley Feinberg · 06/14/16 03:50PM

In 1997, when Guy Fieri and three of his friends released hit single “Walkin’ on the Sun,” they knew they’d finally made it. What they didn’t know, however, was that they’d be beating anonymous Twitter eggs over the head with this fact for the rest of their lives. This is Smash Mouth’s burden.

Crazed Greenwich Village Gunman Also Off-Duty NYPD Officer

Alex Pareene · 06/14/16 02:09PM

An argument between a driver and bike messengers in Manhattan yesterday almost became deadly when the driver pulled out a gun. Reports of a gunman spread, and a local elementary school was even put on lockdown, but thankfully police and firefighters arrived before anyone was shot.

Science Watch: The Ancient Lands of Pluto

Hamilton Nolan · 06/14/16 01:48PM

Double stars! Space molecules! Sea dolphins! Moon missions! Dead zones! Pluto-nic findings! And cleanliness of all of the atoms! It’s your Tuesday Science Watch, where we watch science—from a perch of ill repute!

Russian Government Hackers "Cozy Bear" and "Fancy Bear" Broke Into DNC Database to Access Opposition Research on Donald Trump

Marina Galperina · 06/14/16 12:09PM

Hackers working for the Russian government gained access to the Democratic National Committee’s database of opposition research on Donald Trump, The Washington Post reports. Some of the hackers might have been in the network for a year, with access to all chat logs and email traffic and whatever files of dirt the DNC has collected on Trump—dirt that some analysts say would have become public at some point anyway.