Sarah Palin Congratulates "Smart" Brexit Voters on Fighting the New World Order

Ashley Feinberg · 06/26/16 01:19AM

If there’s one thing noted Facebook user Sarah Palin hates, it’s logic. If there are two things Sarah Palin hates, though, the second is almost definitely the Democrats’ secret apocalyptic globalist agenda. Which is why Sarah Palin would like to take a moment to congratulate all those Brits who voted to leave the EU and effectively cripple their country. You really showed the Illuminati this time.

Conservative Columnist George Will Leaves GOP Over Trump 

Hannah Gold · 06/25/16 03:45PM

Conservative columnist George Will reportedly announced in a speech at a Federalist Society event in Washington D.C. on Friday that he has left the GOP over its looming coronation of Donald Trump as the party’s presidential nominee. Will said he has changed his voting registration in Maryland to “unaffiliated.”

Report Confirms Dangerous Lead Levels in Children During Flint Water Crisis 

Hannah Gold · 06/25/16 10:25AM

Lead levels that shoot above 5 micrograms per deciliter of blood in children under the age of six are considered dangerous and can inhibit the child’s growth and cause learning disabilities and behavioral problems. A report released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday found the odds of a young child living in Flint Michigan contracting such high levels of lead in their blood system rose by 50 percent after the city switched its water supply from Detroit’s water system to the Flint River in April 2014.

Hours After Brexit Vote, Leader of "Leave" Movement Admits One Major Promise Was a Sham

Andy Cush · 06/24/16 01:09PM

One of the central claims made by supporters of the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union was that £350 million per week that the nation was sending to the EU would instead be put toward the National Health Service. On Good Morning Britain today, UK Independence Party Leader Nigel Farage said that claim is untrue.

Donald Trump Trying to Suppress Video Depositions in Trump University Lawsuit

Brendan O'Connor · 06/24/16 12:37PM

Not usually one to avoid the cameras, Donald Trump is attempting to suppress two videotaped depositions he gave in December and January pertaining to the two class-action lawsuits Trump University is facing in California. The transcripts of the depositions have already been made public, and Trump’s lawyers argue that releasing the video would not only be redundant but would taint the jury pool upon being covered in the media.

Village Voice Runs Story About Hate Crimes Pegged To Dallas BBQ Chair Attacker, Who Was Not Charged With a Hate Crime

Rich Juzwiak · 06/24/16 11:45AM

Last year, a man named Bayna El-Amin smashed a chair over the head of another man named Jonathan Snipes at a Chelsea Dallas BBQ. Snipes, who is gay, initially portrayed the attack to DNAInfo as bias-related and unprovoked. Because El-Amin fled the scene and wasn’t arrested until over a month later, the public didn’t get to hear his side of the story. That, along with our cultural imperative to believe a victim when he speaks out, meant that Snipes’ narrative prevailed. (Snipes’s boyfriend, Ethan York-Adams, was also involved in the altercation.) It seemed an obvious example of “anti-LGBT hate violence,” in the words of City Councilman Corey Johnson, until an important detail emerged: El-Amin himself is queer.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/24/16 11:30AM

So far the best thing anyone’s been able to say about the Brexit fallout is that it probably(?) will not be as bad as the collapse of Lehman Bros, which sent the U.S. into a once-in-a-lifetime recession. So... green shoots.

Here's a UK Explainer for Anyone—Anyone at All—Who's Confused About What Brexit Means

Andy Cush · 06/24/16 11:15AM

Let’s say you’re an American who woke this morning to the news that the people of the United Kingdom voted in favor of their nation leaving the European Union, and you’re unsure about what that means. Let’s say, hypothetically speaking, that you happened to be abroad, in a country within the UK, when the news came in. All the Britons around you seemed to understand what was going on perfectly, and you felt like the odd man out. You wondered: What does England have to do with Wales? Why no Southern Ireland? Is that a boy wearing a skirt?