Silvestre Varela's final goal against the U.S. in Sunday evening's World Cup match was a heartbreaker. And none were as banged-up about it as Eric Corey, a Miami soccer fan who toppled out of a bar window as soon as Portugal scored.

By tying the match in the final minute of stoppage time, Portugal made the U.S.'s shot at moving past group play more difficult (they'll now need a draw against Germany to advance). By falling out a window at an emotionally charged moment during a sporting event, Corey surely caused himself considerable shame and embarrassment (he was taken away by paramedics but not seriously injured).

Corey — leader of a fan group called the American Outlaws — reportedly made a habit of perching on a ledge near the window of Fado's Irish Pub. Said fellow American Outlaw West Kraemer:

He's always up there. He stood where he's stood a million times before.

Kevin Yombor, another fan, caught the moment after the U.S. team's downfall — and the moment before Corey's. From the Miami Herald:

"Eric looked heartbroken," said fellow super-fan fan Kenin Yombor, explaining that as Corey reacted to the Portugal goal, he began to lose his balance. "I saw that he knew — he spread his arms to stop himself from falling out, but he saw that he was going out the window."

And while Yombor felt for his friend, his heart was with the team:

"It just hit me," Yombor said to Kraemer. "We tied. After all that, we tied."

[Image via AP, h/t BoingBoing]