Outraged Twitter Mob Blames SCOTUSblog for Hobby Lobby Ruling

Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that closely held corporations don't need to provide contraceptive coverage for employees under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Many people were upset about this ruling, and some tweeted their angry responses at SCOTUSblog, a blog that covers the high court.
watching @SCOTUSblog spin their wheels trying to cover their asses after today's ruling is a scream. unrepentant, visible smarm.
— noah tron (@noahtron) July 1, 2014
Apparently, some people think that the Supreme Court justices (who do not even use email) tweet from the @SCOTUSBlog account. The blog's editors began replying to the hundreds of tweets last night:
How did we get something so obvious so wrong MT @leiacunning @SCOTUSblog Your complete misunderstanding of the issues scr@wed American women
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) June 30, 2014
You are not the 1st & won’t be the last @JayRooTheDee: everyone should tweet @SCOTUSblog and tell them what we think of their misogyny.
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) June 30, 2014
Lost our copy, apologies. MT @opinali: @SCOTUSblog today you have f@cked up real hard. Go read the f@cking First Amendment again, OK?
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) June 30, 2014
Really? Let’s let twitter decide. Ok? MT @The_Itch: @SCOTUSblog How do I become a justice? Pretty sure I’m smarter than 5 of you.
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
We prefer them as our editor & manager. RT @Allout1 I guess @SCOTUSblog wants women barefoot, pregnant and cooking dinner.
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) June 30, 2014
After reading these responses, some people were convinced that the justices were just being snarky. The outrage continued:
Have y'all seen what @SCOTUSblog is tweeting? #MyGovernmentIsBeingPassiveAggressive #Awkward
— Lena FGM (@sayyeslena) June 30, 2014
FTW RT @tory_dube @SCOTUSblog decisions upset so many people & all they are doing on twitter is mocking those people. That’s just disturbing
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
And… scene. Goodnight MT @seanmcdh: was the @SCOTUSblog account hijacked by an angry 14 year old male? wow! So much for ”…by the people.“
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
So much for "by the people" indeed.
[Image via AP]