The nature trail warrior cosplayers are hitting day 25 of their exercise in extended squatting, and it looks like cabin fever has finally taken its toll. Because now, they’ve promised to leave if Chris Christie can beat the man you see above in a sumo match. In other words, Chris Christie is finally good for something.

The particularly portly militia LARPer issuing the challenge, Kelly Gneiting, spends a good portion of the video slapping his thighs and referring to the New Jersey governor as his “little brother” before getting to the point: Since Chris Christie insulted his militia buddies, Gneiting wants to go 10 rounds with Christie. And if Christie can win just one of those rounds, America will finally be free of the plague that is the Bundy clan.

If Chris Christie loses, however, Gneiting gets to roll him down the stairs in a sleeping bag—it’s all in the Constitution.

Even though it is just one round, it’s still a pretty big ask considering Gneiting is an actual champion sumo wrestler, as Oregon Live discovered.

Either way—Governor, come on and take one for the time. I never thought I’d say this, but your country is counting on you.

[h/t Oregon Live]

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