Hillsboro, Oregon is looking for a new Police Chief. And one thing they want to communicate with their tax-payer funded recruitment video is that the new Police Chief better be someone who knows how to have "fun."

The video, which features a mock-assault situation and a recurring gag involving a bum, lets prospective Chiefs know that, "as you can see, we like having fun here at Hillsboro, but that's because we're passionate about what we do. We're all family."

But things have not always been so light and sunny in Hillsboro. As The Oregonian explains, years of internal conflict came to a head earlier this year when its former Police Chief resigned among ongoing labor unrest and a rift between department members and agency executives.

The Oregonian writes: "In a survey of 20 mid-level supervisors, 19 said a rift existed between the department's sergeants, lieutenants and non-sworn supervisors and its command staff. More than half viewed it as 'serious' or 'very serious.'" On top of that, a commander filed a hostile work environment complaint against the city's interim police chief.

Still, as the video shows, spirits are high that the Hillsboro Police Department will find a new leader to bring peace to this jovial group of thespians/authority figures.