Kids these days think they invented partying. Incorrect: People have stayed up all night getting wasted, ripping their clothes off, and doing ridiculous dances since the invention of booze. The primary difference between the way Baby Boomers got down and the way we do it today is that previous generations didn't have Wiz Khalifa.

Case in point: Someone dug up this silent home video of his grandparents and their friends and immediately realized, "Yep, they dem boyz." A little bit of sound editing later, he'd created this Back to the Future-ass video of some drunken '60s partiers shaking it to "Black and Yellow."

Styles change. Technology advances (I mean, our videos come with sound now, imagine that.) But the need to unwind, take our shirts off for no discernible reason, and stumble tipsily into our fellow human beings is timeless.

[h/t Reddit]