President Barack Obama is currently taking his yearly sojourn in Martha's Vineyard, but has announced he will be returning to Washington Sunday evening to have meetings with Vice President Joe Biden and other advisers.

The nature of Obama's meetings has not been revealed. The AP reports that the White House has been "cagey about why the president needs to be back in Washington for those discussions."

The return to Washington is reportedly in response to critiques that the president is on vacation in the midst of crucial domestic and international conflicts.

Via the AP:

Yet those crises turned the first week of Obama's vacation into a working holiday. He made on-camera statements on U.S. military action in Iraq and the clashes between police and protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. He called foreign leaders to discuss the tensions between Ukraine and Russia, as well as between Israel and Hamas.

"I think it's fair to say there are, of course, ongoing complicated situations in the world, and that's why you've seen the president stay engaged," White House spokesman Eric Schultz said.

Obama will return to the Vineyard on Tuesday and stay for the rest of the week, White House officials say.

[Image via AP]