President Obama says that he won't be scrambling military jets to extradite NSA leaker Edward Snowden to the U.S. He also dismissed suggestions that he should order the Air Force to intimidate the plane that will carry Snowden from Russia to his next location.

The President also noted that he won't participate in any negotiations, "wheeling, dealing," or trades, to find "the 29-year-old hacker." Obama noted that he shouldn't have to call Russian or Chinese leaders, as acquiring a wanted criminal should be done through the standard procedures.

Regarding Snowden's actions, the President noted that Snowden's acquisition of secret documents from the National Security Agency reveal vulnerabilities there. While he "continues to be concerned about the other documents" in Snowden's possession, he said that most of the concern surrounding Snowden is media hype and sensationalism, noting: "I'm sure it will be a made-for-TV movie down the road."

[images via AP]