Two F-15 jets were scrambled by NORAD early this afternoon after a turboprop plane flying from Rochester, New York, to Naples, Fla. over the Atlantic Ocean failed to respond to communications. NORAD officials believe the passengers onboard are all unconscious from hypoxia, or lack of oxygen.

According to NBC News, both jets were called off of the plane as it neared Cuba and returned to base after the aircraft crossed over the country. According to the Washington Post, the plane's pilot was unresponsive since 10 a.m. EST. The F-15 pilots observed from the air that the aircraft's pilot was "slumped over" and the windows were frosted over, CBS News reports.

Update, 2:35 p.m:

Update, 2:41 p.m.: From NBC News:

FAA records show that the TBM-700 was registered to a Rochester company at the same address as Buckingham Properties, a real-estate development firm run by Larry Glazer. Glazer is a veteran pilot who is president of the TBM Owners and Pilots Association.

Update, 2:46 p.m.: According to the Associated Press, the plane went down about 14 miles northeast of Port Antonio, Jamaica. Three people were reportedly on board.

Update, 3:01 p.m.: Larry and Jane Glazer have been confirmed to have died in the plane crash.

[Image via FlightAware]