Still: WFXT Fox 25

Police either did not notice the helicopter loudly whirring above them or did not care as they approached a car chase suspect in Nashua, New Hampshire this evening. Under a local news camera’s watchful eye, several cops pummeled the crap out of the guy, even as he laid down and surrendered.

The Fox affiliate WFXT captured the scene, though their cameraman seems to have zoomed out when he noticed the brutality of the arrest:

According to WFXT’s report, the chase lasted just over an hour, and the man led police from Holden, Massachusetts across state lines to New Hampshire. It is not clear what the man was wanted for, or what police department the arresting officers are with.

Whatever happened, the cops clearly didn’t need to unleash the royal rumble. And for their own sakes, they could have at least waited until a few minutes after the thrilling climax of an hour-long high-speed car chase. Did they think the cameras weren’t going to be rolling?