New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. is denying the “shallow and factually incorrect” allegations that the paper’s executive editor, Jill Abramson, was fired over her complaints that she was paid less than her male colleagues. Women at the Times, Sulzberger argues in a memo to Times staffers on Saturday, “do not look for special treatment”:

Many of our key leaders – both in the newsroom and on the business side – are women. So too are many of our rising stars. They do not look for special treatment, but expect to be treated with the same respect as their male colleagues. For that reason they want to be judged fairly and objectively on their performance. That is what happened in the case of Jill.

Sulzberger’s statement is unlikely to end questions about Abramson’s ouster. Yesterday, the latter’s 31-year-old daughter, Cornelia Griggs, published the following screenshot on Instagram, next to the caption: “Big thank you to all the #pushy #bossy #polarizing women and men who get it. The story isn’t over, not even close.”

The Times doesn’t seem to disagree with Griggs. A spokesperson for the paper dodged Times reporter Ravi Somaiya’s inquiry about a non-disparagement clause in the settlement Abramson supposedly negotiated with the paper (which Sulzberger’s statement would likely violate, if it exists):

To be continued.

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