Friends who drink together stay together, especially if one of those friends is a New Jersey woman picked up for DUI. On Thursday night, Readington Township police announced the arrest of 34-year-old Carmen Reategui, as well as two loyal and stupid friends.

Police picked up Reategui after they pulled her over for swerving on Route 22. Reategui failed field sobriety tests and was then arrested and taken to police headquarters where she was charged with three counts including DUI. Reategui was eligible to leave the station, so she called her friend, 23-year-old Nina Petracca, for a ride.

Petracca showed up at the station. When an officer began to explain a potential liability form to her, he noticed that she appeared to also be hammered. The officer administered a sobriety test to Petracca in the lobby of the building, which she failed.

Reategui and Petracca, both arrested but still free to go, then decided to call another friend, 33-year-old Ryan Hogan. Hogan arrived at the station and began speaking to the same officer, and obviously he was drunk, too. I mean, why not, at that point?

Hogan was arrested and charged with DUI, and the three friends called another friend. This one managed to show up sober. Fourth time's a charm, as the age old saying has always gone.

New Jersey: people are drunk.

[New Jersey state flag via New Jersey]