Richard Easton, a high-dollar Manhattan matchmaker who once appeared on The Real Housewives of New York City, has the severe cheekbones and casually intense speaking manner of a violent psychopath. A lawsuit filed this week alleges that yes—why yes—that's exactly what he is.

The suit, from Elena Taranina, Easton's landlord, claims Easton exhibited a litany of behaviors ranging from rude to completely insane while occupying a $11,500-a-month unit at 166 Perry Street: wandering the building's public areas without pants or underwear, throwing knives at delivery people, demanding oral sex from a female staffer, and letting his dog poop on the roof. Easton—who calls himself a "hopeless romantic" and former "International Playboy" on his matchmaking service's website—also allegedly insisted to employees that he only be called "Prince" and that he owned the building, the Daily News reports.

"Easton's activities are of such a nature that there is no telling when he might decide to verbally or physically attack someone, or to engage in vile or inappropriate conduct," Taranina wrote, arguing that other tenants are afraid to leave their units because of his behavior. According to the Daily News, she's hoping to have him evicted by the end of the month.

[Image via Richard Easton]