Andrew Engle — a 27-year-old Michigan man who, wearing only a towel, accidentally discharged his gun while banging on a local pizzeria's windows until one shattered because he was angry that the restaurant was closed even though it was actually open — may have taken acid before his arrest Saturday.

Engle was arraigned on several misdemeanor charges for the incident at Happy's Pizza in Muskegon Township this week: "malicious destruction of property that's valued over $200, but less than $1,000; careless discharge of a firearm causing property damage; reckless use of a firearm; and possession of a firearm while under the influence," according to He also faces charges for firing a gun inside his car, though it is unclear, apparently, whether these shots were related to the one-man showdown at Happy's.

After he was apprehended at his home, allegedly still holding the gun, Engle admitted to police that he had taken four hits of LSD before piling his three kids into the car (ages 3, 4, and, 6), grabbing his .40 caliber semi automatic pistol, and heading to Happy's for a piping hot slice of Muskegon-style street justice, all while basically butt-naked. He told the arresting officers he started the scene because he was upset at not being able to get any pizza, but the shop was open for business at the time (7:30 p.m.), with two employees inside, ready to serve.

Engle is currently out on bail, MILive reports, and Child Protective Services has stepped in regarding his children.

[Image via Jacek Chabraszewski/Shutterstock]