Nancy Snyderman, NBC's chief medical correspondent who got busted sneaking out of Ebola quarantine last month, was supposed to return to the network in November. She hasn't been heard from since.

Despite testing negative, Snyderman and three other crew members agreed to self-quarantine in October after an NBC freelance cameraman they worked with in Liberia contracted Ebola. But less than a week later, New Jersey residents spotted her out-and-about, driving around and picking up takeout food, prompting authorities to sit on her house to ensure she stayed indoors for the remainder of the quarantine.

Since then, the quarantine queen's experienced a dramatic drop in popularity, something that's apparently stymied her ability to get back on the air.

Reports Brian Stelter on CNN:

[NBC News president Deborah] Turness said in an internal memo, "we very much look forward to their return next month," meaning sometime in November.

But Snyderman never appeared on the network in November. Employees at NBC News, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the only people who know her fate are the top executives of the news division. And those executives aren't talking. A network spokeswoman declined to comment on Sunday.

But several of the employees said they do expect to see Snyderman back on the air soon, in one form or another. One of the employees said Snyderman may be reintroduced through an interview on "Today" or "NBC Nightly News" that allows her to clear the air about her absence.

Earlier this month, Page Six ran an item about Snyderman, noting that, "Sources tell us NBC has to decide if her credibility is too damaged for her to continue reporting on medical issues."

And, as Stelter also points out, the network's been promoting a new medical correspondent, Dr. Natalie Azar—a rheumatologist and NYU clinical instructor—over the last two months.

[image via Twitter]