Ashoka Mukpo, the freelance NBC cameraman who contracted Ebola while filming a segment, was declared Ebola-free today a few hours after he took to Twitter to defend NBC's quarantine queen, Dr. Nancy Snyderman.

Mukpo contracted Ebola while filming in Liberia, but says he has no idea how exactly he came into contact with the virus, writing on Twitter, "For the record - no idea how I got it. It was something fluky. My best guess is I touched a surface and didn't chlorinate fast enough."

His doctors say Mukpo—who was admitted to the Nebraska hospital on Oct. 6—has now tested negative for the virus three times.

The cameraman also defended Dr. Nancy Synderman, the NBC medical correspondent who voluntarily quarantined herself on her return to the U.S.and then unquarantined herself a few days later to go on a takeout run.

[image via AP]