Good news, potential Law & Order cold open extras: Those “human organs” washing up around the San Francisco Bay aren’t the result of a series of grisly murders but a different super gross thing entirely.

According to KPIX-TV, visitors to East Bay beaches have been calling 911 to report found body parts after discovering the huge lumpy corpses of California sea slugs, which recently experienced a mass die-off.

“They’re about the size of a human organ, and that’s almost what they look like,” naturalist Morgan Dill told the station. “There was a population boom about a year ago and what we’re seeing is, after a year, they lay their eggs and they die and we’re seeing them wash up on shore.”

But while beachgoers may be disturbed by the slugs’ weirdly massive, purple ink-filled bodies, Dill assured reporters that the creatures are harmless.

“They’re usually pretty grossed out because they are kind of disgusting looking at first,” said Dill, implying that, at some point, you learn to appreciate the beauty of gnarly-ass slug corpses.

[Image via KPIX-TV]