Michigan governor Rick Snyder has activated the National Guard to help distribute bottled water and filters in the city of Flint, the Associated Press reports. The governor has been accused of mishandling the city’s lead-poisoning crisis—ongoing since April 2014—which he may have known about long before declaring a state of emergency last week.

So far, NBC News reports, 2,200 blood tests have turned up 43 children with elevated levels of lead in their blood, although only 2 percent of the population has been tested.

According to NBC, the state did not begin handing out bottled water until five days after the emergency declaration. Meanwhile, some residents are still being charged for water that they cannot drink or even use to brush their teeth.

At a press conference yesterday, where he said he would ask for aid from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Snyder admitted, “I have a degree of responsibility.” He did not specify what he would kind of aid the state would be asking FEMA for.

Photo via AP Images. Contact the author of this post: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com.