Nation Paralyzed By Shattering Ambivalence Wishes This Election Could Just Be Over Already

Aligning passions and interests with a presidential candidate you could actually see yourself voting for is a tricky business, especially when the field is as grim as it’s been this year.
Recent AP-GfK polling indicates that a majority of Americans don’t believe that any of the remaining candidates represent their point of view well. And they feel strongly about this:
At least half say they would be disappointed or even angry if either Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton were nominated. They are the front-runners for their parties’ nominations.
Of course, no one presidential hopeful is ever going to please everyone in all fifty states. It is nevertheless undeniable that election exhaustion is real, and it is seeping into our bones which only grow heavier with each botched stump speech and talk show spat. America deserves a nap.