Mozilla to Unveil $25 Burner Smartphone

At this weekend's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Mozilla revealed their development plans for a simplified smartphone that will cost around $25. Partnered with low-cost chip developer Spreadtrum, Mozilla claims the phone will have internet capabilities and app browsing, but at a lower speed and a much cheaper cost.
The brand most associated with the Firefox browser explained details at the conference that show the phone's intended audience to be the developing world. The Mozilla take will be somewhere in between "dumb" phones with just calling capabilities and more popular "feature" phones, a sort of antiquated version of a smartphone.
"These solutions expand the global accessibility of open web smartphones to first-time and entry-level smartphone buyers by reducing the time and cost required for handset makers to bring these devices to market," said Spreadtrum in a press statement.
The phones will run on the Mozilla operating system, giving your shitty friends the opportunity to scoff and say, "Ugh, you still don't use Chrome?"