A Playboy model is suing the magazine after she was injured by a golf club during a nude photo shoot.

In her complaint, Liz Dickson says she was participating in a 2012 golf-themed photo shoot where the magazine asked her to lie on her stomach and insert a golf tee between her buttocks. Another defendant, Kevin Klein, was supposed to pretend to hit a golf ball that was placed on top of the tee.

But instead, the suit alleges, Klein "swung the golf club and struck plaintiff on the buttocks causing her injuries and damages."

The whole experience ended up being a tremendous pain in the ass, the lawsuit claims, with Dickson suffering severe bodily injuries — some of them permanent — pain, suffering, anxiety, worry, medical and incidental expenses, and loss of earnings and earning capacity.

Dickson is asking for $500,000 plus punitive damages. According to CBS, Dickson was 2011′s "Girl of Playboy Golf Winner."

[image via Shutterstock]