A University of Missouri professor caught on camera demanding “muscle” to prevent a student reporter from covering a campus protest has been formally charged with assault, an important reminder that although you can hate the press, you cannot express that hatred physically.

Melissa Click, a professor of mass media at the university, quickly overshadowed what were at the time peaceful student demonstrations against the school’s perceived lack of response to several racist on-campus incidents. When a student reporter tried to enter the protest area, Click attempted to physically prevent him from approaching the public campus quad in a confrontation captured on video.

“Hey who wants to help me get this reporter out of here,” Click was filmed shouting. “I need some muscle over here!”

The move drew ire at the time, and now, two months later, a prosecutor from the Columbia District Attorney’s office tells the Kansas City Star Click has been charged with third-degree assault, a class-C misdemeanor punishable by a fine and/or up to 15 days in jail.

Click is still reportedly employed at the university as an assistant professor.

Image via NBC. Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.