In a staggering turn of events, the story of Miley Cyrus and the homeless runaway who accepted the 2014 VMA for Best Video on her behalf may not go down as smoothly as it seemed. It turns out that the man, 22-year-old Jesse Helt, is wanted on a probation violation in his home state of Oregon.

According to NBC, Helt pled guilty four years ago to misdemeanor counts of criminal trespass and criminal mischief stemming from an incident in which he and a friend attempted to break into a drug dealer's apartment after they say the dealer sold them bad weed. Obviously, you can see how he and Miley connect on a spiritual level.

NBC also reports that Helt who spent three weeks in prison after his initial guilty plea, violated his probation twice in 2011, exposing himself to a potential six more months in jail. Authorities in Oregon had not heard from him until he showed up on MTV two nights ago.

Helt's mother said that Helt was returning to Oregon on Miley's dime, which could lead to his arrest and state police explaining why they spent their time and money tracking down a young, nonviolent criminal who happens to be friends with Miley Cyrus.

[image via Getty]