Michael Jordan, G.O.A.T., briefly considered President Barack Obama for his dream golf foursome, but immediately changed his mind because Obama is "a shitty golfer."

"He's a hack, man, I'd be all day playing with him," Jordan told Ahmad Rashad.

Jordan famously lost more than a million dollars wagering on golf in the early '90s, but has since established himself as one of the best celebrity golfers in the game, with a handicap of 3.

That's more than good enough to trash-talk Obama, whose 17 handicap doesn't even land him among the top 100 golfers in Washington. On the other hand, Obama isn't a retired professional athlete, and the 200-ish rounds of golf he's played since taking office aren't that many for a U.S. president.

Who's a better golfer is kind of a moot point, though. Either one of them would get destroyed by Kenny G.

[h/t NY Post]