The medical examiner's report in the death of muckraking journalist Michael Hastings has been released and, conspiracy theories aside, the coroner has determined his death on June 18th was an accident, and that he had traces drugs in his system at the time he died.

According to the LA Times' Andrew Blankstein, Hastings' death was ruled as caused by "traumatic injuries" as a result of his fiery car crash, and was found to have small amounts of THC and methamphetamine in his blood, but the coroner doesn't believe it contributed to the crash.

The report also reveals that Hastings' family had arrived from New York to try to get him into rehab just a day before the accident. Hastings had been sober for 14 years but had begun to use drugs again in the month before his death, according to the report. Here is the full autopsy report, posted by the LA Times.