After a very public spat with MSNBC over airtime, the television host Melissa Harris-Perry is probably not going to return to the network, or to her eponymous show.

Harris-Perry’s boycott was sparked by several instances in which MSNBC bumped her weekend morning show, Melissa-Harris Perry, replacing it with horserace election coverage. Harris-Perry walked off the show, which normally focuses on issues of social justice and racism.

Now, CNN reports that Harris-Perry is unlikely to return to the network:

Her MSNBC contract expires in October. Two sources agreed it is “highly unlikely” she will ever be back on the show.

Harris-Perry sent a scathing memo to the staff of her show earlier this week, saying “I do not have any intention of hosting this weekend.” She added that she was “only willing to return when that return happens under certain terms.”

I will not be used as a tool for their purposes. I am not a token, mammy, or little brown bobble head.

But if CNN’s sources are correct, that return may never come—at least, not to MSNBC.

[Image via Getty]

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