There’s been a lot of conversation this weekend about blackface and its relationship to Halloween costumes, especially in the context of this lovely Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman trio. For those who initially jumped to defend these partiers as “not racist” and "just kids," I’m sorry to break it to you, but thanks to some sleuthing from The Smoking Gun, we can indeed confirm that all three are morons and at least one is an unapologetic racist.

Here’s what we know about these young adults "just being kids." On the left, dressed in blackface and a hoodie, is William Filene, 25, of Cape Coral, Florida. Since misfortune and crime are hilarious, laugh away: he was arrested in June for felony auto theft. His rap sheet also includes “collars for loitering / prowling” and failure to register an automobile. He took a plea deal for the auto theft charge in August and was sentenced to 18 months on probation.

In the middle is Caitlin Cimeno, a Martha’s Vineyard native. It's her photo post on Facebook that’s being heavily circulated and, it turns out, being racist online is nothing new for her. It's just Caitlin being Caitlin, y'all! According to The Smoking Gun:

In Facebook posts last year, Cimeno referred to elderly women who wore tight pants and tube tops as “tacos,” and, when requesting that a friend contact her, she wrote, “Text me niggs.” In August, Cimeno also posted a photo of an African American girl wearing a t-shirt reading “Black Girls Rock.” In her accompanying caption, Cimeno wrote, “First of all, sorry Hun but mommy lied to you & secondly if I was wearing a shirt that said something like the truth 'white girls rock' I would be stared at and called a racist cracker.”

Finally, on the right (dressed as George Zimmerman lol) is Greg Cimeno, 22, of Cape Coral, Florida. He works for a carpentry firm and enjoys humor in his spare time. When Caitlin posted the original picture to her Facebook page, he responded “anything for a laugh!” Someone else jumped in and deemed the photo “not too funny.” “Not too funny,” Greg replied. “Not too funny. It’s fucking hilarious!!!”

[h/t The Smoking Gun, main image via Facebook]