On the list of Bad Halloween Costume Ideas, “Suicide Bomber” has got to be at or near the very top. There will always be social consequences for wearing such a thing. Then there are the consequences of wearing your suicide bomber costume on a goddamn military base, and those are a whole other matter.

This is a lesson that was learned the hard way by a dipshit soldier this Halloween when he tried to enter the Fort Bragg Army base in North Carolina, reports The Guardian:

The unidentified soldier, wearing a costume that appeared to be an explosive vest, tried to pass a checkpoint on Saturday evening, the base said in a Facebook post, which has since been removed, according to Military.com.

The post said the incident resulted in an emergency response that consisted of the gate being briefly closed as explosive technicians cleared the site, the military news website said.

The original Facebook post was removed after commenters were “profane, sophomoric, or did not treat the subject seriously,” providing further evidence that internet commenters are roughly the same in every commenting area on the whole goddamn internet.

A later post confirmed the incident. Don’t wear suicide bomber Halloween costumes, morons of Earth!

[The Guardian]

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