The arc of Martin Shkreli’s great saga has finally cratered: the famewhore CEO and Wu-Tang collector, who was arrested yesterday on various fraud charges, has stepped down from his position atop Turing Pharmaceuticals, the company at which he infamously hiked prices on an AIDS drug by 5,000 percent.

Per the AP, the company’s board has named an interim CEO.

Shkreli founded the company earlier this year after leaving Retrophin, a biopharmecutical firm he created after a career spent working in hedge funds.

Yesterday’s indictment for Shkreli’s arrest accused him of running a long Ponzi scheme across various corporations. He was reportedly aware of federal investigations into his business practices since January.

Shkreli has mostly kept his head below water since the arrest, though he did send out a tweet late last night:

On the bright side, his favorite hoodie is only $15.

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