Police in Arizona have arrested a man who allegedly branded his initials on his girlfriend's "vaginal area," and then informed her that he did so because "her vagina was his."

According to court documents, Christopher Lynn Jackson, 49, of Chandler, also "bragged" about having done the same to previous girlfriends.

The incident, which took place back in May, only came to light last week after Jackson's now-ex-girlfriend summoned up the courage to come forward.

The unidentified woman told authorities that Jackson took her to a baseball game and then asked her to go dancing with him.

When the victim refused, saying she was too tired, Jackson offered her "energy pills" to perk up.

But the pills seemed to have the opposite effect, and the woman soon found herself passing out.

When she awoke, she felt severe pain and saw Jackson with branding equipment and a butane torch.

She looked down to find the letters "C" and "J" branded into her private parts.

A search warrant helped confirm the woman's claims, and Jackson was subsequently arrested on a felony aggravated assault charge.

"That's pretty crazy and kind of scary," neighbor Brett Schneidt said of Jackson, who owns a landscaping business called Lawn Tamers. "I've lived here next to him for 12 years and he always seemed like a normal, calm guy."

[screengrab via My Fox Phoenix]